- When packaging an item where the original packaging is no longer available, the external box must be considered sufficient and able to withstand the weight of the returned item to avoid any possible transit damage.
- The external box must be tightly sealed with suitable tape to house the entire product.
- You cannot attach multiple parcels or wrap one item in various boxes.
- Internal packaging is compulsory, and the type used should be based on the weight of the item. Lighter items should be packaged with soft packaging material and heavier items will require more substantial filling material. There should be enough internal packaging to ensure that the item does not come into contact with the external box.
You can buy packaging from us here if you have nothing suitable.
Packaging Your Guitar
When preparing the instrument -
- Slacken off the strings to remove the tension from the neck
- Sheild the fretboard with a slip or paper card
- Remove any accessories (tremolo arm etc.)
Here is our step-by-step video guide on how to package your guitar -
Packaging Your Amplifier
Here is our step-by-step video guide on how to package your amplifier -